Just a little bit of luck


Whether it is just narrowly avoiding a cold during finals period, catching the bus exactly when you get to the bus stop, wearing the right shoes for the unpredictable weather, let’s admit it, we all need a little bit of luck to get by. A little bit of luck that might be going unnoticed as we move from one thing to the next everyday. The end of the quarter requires a little bit of more luck that usual. And despite the paper-writing and research, I am taking a whole day off for St. Patricks Day. I feel like I have always missed its celebration every year, particularly I feel like I am always writing a big paper when St Patty’s Day comes around. Last year was a special exception as I got to go out with my best buds to a local Irish pub, but we didn’t go that crazy. I plan to change that tomorrow with merriments starting in the morning. There is something intuitive about wanting to do that, I don’t know why exactly.. I am particularly excited about seeing the Chicago river dyed bright green.

Anyways it happens to be a big holiday weekend with Pi Day today, Purim tomorrow, St. Patricks Day and the Indian festival of Holi!! Enjoy 🙂

My nail colors: Light Green (Zoya’s Mitz), stamped with glittery dark green (Zoya’s Giovanna) using m69 plate, and little dots of gold (Sally Hanse’s Coinflip, appropriate!). The clover was drawn freehand 🙂



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